Useful list of Austin Restaurants, Bars, Coffee Shops, etc.

For those who have a bit of time to spare, I’ve put together a list of places to eat, grab a cup of coffee, or sit back with a stronger beverage. Folks have found this useful in the past, so please feel free to take a look at the Google Doc.

Paul’s Austin List


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About Paul Vinelli

I'm currently a graduate student at UT-Austin's School of Information... previously, I worked in nonprofits, public radio, and social media. In the next year, I hope to design an interactive course to connect with the key innovators who are shaping the future of libraries. Potential themes for the course include spatial design, scholarship/communication, access, service, humanities, outreach, diversity and documentation. My cat's named after Walter Benjamin, I'm a serious baseball nerd, and I've been wasting a lot of time with Super Mario Brothers Crossover: