We’ve finalized the workshops to be held.
ARIS Video Games
Have you ever wondered how to make an educational game for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch? ARIS games offers a free platform that you can use to design immersive, interactive, mobile experiences. Come join this workshop and learn the basics about how to use this application to create games on the iOS platform. Participants will learn about what is possible with ARIS, play ARIS games and work in teams to create a simple, mobile-based game. See: arisgames.org/ for more information.
Taught by: Jason Rosenblum, St. Edward’s Emerging Technologies R&D
Ebook Authoring
Take your manuscript from Microsoft Word to the Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other eReading devices in a few easy steps. In this session, you will learn to create PDF and EPUB eBooks using the free Calibre eBook creation software. No experience required; we will provide example materials to use and a variety of eReading devices to try out.
Taught by: Eric Frierson, Head of Library Systems and Kady Ferris, Collection Development Librarian
Beyond Wildcards: Fundamentals of Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions are a basic part of most textual technologies, and are built into most editors, programming languages, and frameworks. Though cryptic, they’re a powerful tool for anyone who needs to perform complex searches on text or clean and manipulate textual data. This workshop will explain the fundamental concepts behind regular expressions and provide hands-on examples of how to use them. A computer capable of running Flash is required for running through some of the examples.
Taught by: Ben Brumfield, Software Engineer (and back by popular demand)
Fundamentals of Teaching with Social Media
From Twitter to Facebook to Pinterest, everyone seems to be talking about social media tools and what role they should play in the classroom. In this workshop, we will experiment with a wide variety of social media applications, but rather than focus solely on how to use these tools, we will consider why and when you might want to introduce new approaches to social media in your classes. Come ready to share your favorite social media tools and discuss specific pedagogical problems that might be resolved, in part, by trying a new tool. We will focus on browser-based applications, so no special software is needed to attend this workshop.
Taught by: Quinn Warnick & Drew Loewe, both St. Edward’s English Writing faculty